Gum grafting is beneficial for receding gum. Gum recession is the process where the gum tissue around the teeth starts pulling away, exposing more tooth. Most people do not notice the recession until it has become severe. This is because the recession takes place gradually and overtime is when you will notice that the tooth is looking ugly. Increasing tooth sensitivity is also a symptom of receding gum. If the gum recession is not addressed, it can lead to loss of the tooth. The treatment of receding gum needs gum grafting.

Gum Grafting Procedure

Connective-tissue graft

This grafting aims to treat the exposed tooth root. This grafting uses the connective tissue found at the roof of the mouth. The tissue is then stitched on the receding gum tissue to cover the root of the teeth. The top of the mouth undergoes stitching as well to activate the tissue to regrow.

Free gingival grafts

This is similar to the connective tissue graft. The difference is that this procedure does not involve making a flap but directly removing tissue on the mouth roof. This procedure is suitable for individuals who have thin gums.

Pedicle grafts

This grafting involves removing tissue from the mouth palate and is grafted on the gum. This process is efficient for patients who have plenty of gum tissue around the teeth.

Instead of using graft tissue, some dentists may use tissue-stimulating proteins that encourage the growth of the gum and bone tissue. The dentist will inform you on the best procedure to choose depending on the rate of the gum recession.


Once you have has an appointment with a dentist and approved the procedure, you do not need to change your diet before the grafting. The dentist will tell you the type of grafting you need and advise on the changes you will experience after gum grafting.
You need to arrange how you will get home after the treatment because you can hardly drive yourself home. You can ask a friend or a relative or a taxi to take you home. This is because you will be given a sedative or local anesthesia that takes time before it clears from your system.

What happens during the procedure

You will be given sedatives or local anesthesia to numb your mouth for the procedure to be done. The dentist will perform the complete gum grafting to treat gum recession. After the procedure you will be allowed to rest a bit you are able to walk. The gum grafting does not take long and you will be able to go home the same day.

Recovery Process

Gum grafting for recession is an outpatient process. You will be given a sedative to allow you to relax. However, you will be unable to drive so you can organize someone to drive you home or take a taxi.

You will receive a diet plan and medications to take as you recover. You are not allowed to brush or floss your teeth until you fully recover. Alternatively, you will be rinsing the mouth that reduces plaque and takes antibiotics to prevent infections.

You are encouraged to eat soft foods such as eggs, yogurt, ice cream, and vegetables. Hot drinks and alcohol are discouraged until you fully recover.

Pain after the surgery is managed by taking painkillers. You will experience discomfort for the first few days, especially at the roof of your mouth. Fortunately, the rooftop will regrow the removed tissue and the oral functions will come back to normal. Anti-inflammatory medicine will be prescribed to keep you comfortable and avoid swelling.

After gum grafting, it can take up to two weeks for your mouth to heal. You should be able to return to normal daily activities like work after the two weeks.

Be quick to call your dentist if anything unusual happens such as excessive bleeding, swelling, and increased tooth sensitivity that is not easing.

Contact us today and book your appointment with our dentist to find out more about the gum grafting procedures. We aim at ensuring that the greater population has good oral hygiene and health. 

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