Metal braces are the most commonly used methods to straighten the teeth. The braces are stainless and have rubber bands that are attached to the teeth. Today, the metal braces are smaller and better looking than the ones used in the past. The current metal braces can be heat activated to align your teeth quicker and is less painful.

Adults wear braces longer than teenagers because their teeth are no longer growing. It can take between 18 months to 3 years. Sometimes adults may consider wearing braces again if the teeth straightening done at their teenage were not permanent. This is because as years go by, there are a lot of changes in teeth growth. there is no age limit for braces. There are reports of patients of the age of 80 years who have received metal braces treatment. It is never late to receive this straightening method.

The Cost of Metal Braces

A lot of dental insurance providers cover part of the cost of the metal braces. So part of the cost can be covered by your dental insurance which makes this treatment affordable. Talk with your insurance person and know what percentage the insurance covers for the metal braces. Metal braces help to solve the problem of crowded and overlapping teeth hence reduce risks of gum disease and tooth decay. If you do not have the entire amount for metal braces, we can give you a breakdown of how you can pay in installments before you start the treatment. This is advantageous because you will not be strained financially.

Advantages of Metal Braces

Less Expensive
Metal braces are less expensive than Invisalign which makes it a good orthodontic treatment option for misaligned teeth and jaws. They are available in different colors, which makes the patient choose according to their personalities.
Straightening goal is achieved
Even though the metal braces take at least 18 months to straighten your teeth, it is worth it. The method takes longer but the alignment can be permanent. You are allowed to choose favorite wire to make the braces attractive and make you comfortable.
Insurance Cover
Dental insurance cover caters to metallic braces cost which makes it affordable. Without the insurance cover, it can be costly. This is why it important to take a dental insurance cover before starting the treatment.
The metal braces are durable than plastics and ceramic braces. Metal braces do not easily break. This makes them safe because the breakage can cause pain or injury. It is also expensive to replace ceramic and plastic braces.
Metal braces are strong enough to align difficult teeth. Ceramics can be a limiting factor. Metal braces have this added advantage because they are strong and can withstand tightening and lifting teeth.
Takes lesser time
Metal braces take lesser time than the ceramic and plastic braces. If you want to achieve faster and quicker results, you can choose metallic braces over the others.
Variety of designs
Metal braces have a wide range of designs and you can customize the colors according to your preference. The design and color will make you feel more comfortable and less self-conscious when talking to people.
Improves your oral health
Crooked and crowded teeth are more susceptible to gum diseases and tooth decay. It is highly worth it to have metal braces because it will prevent gum diseases and tooth decay from occurring.

Advantages of Metal Braces

They are Invisible
One can easily notice you have the metal braces at a glance. This may make you have high self-conscious when talking to people or when smiling.
Sometimes they can cause allergic reactions in your mouth; especially if you are sensitive to the metallic element. It is important to let your dentist know if you have an allergy to metallic substances.
Affects your eating habits
You are discouraged from eating hard food because they can strain the metal braces and wires. You become limited to soft foods during the treatment period to take care of the braces.
Frequent Appointments
You will need to visit the dentists for professional teeth cleaning and tightening of the braces. As the teeth start taking shape the braces can become loose. Tightening them will help get your desired outcome.

Book an appointment with us today.

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